This is Pete, pictured here with a dapper young version of myself. Pete is from a modest upbringing in a Polish neighborhood outside of Buffalo. He is married with two kids and a dog (but no boat or pool). He is the embodiment of an approachable person and cant even go to the gas station without running into someone he knows. He treats all people with the respect they deserve and expects to be treated the same. In the time I have known him I have never heard him shy away from saying what he is thinking or pulled a punch except where it would be constructive. He calls it like it is, no bullshit.
He has raised a family (with the help of his wife, of course) of two successful and healthy children and an even more successful dog. He has practically rebuilt the entire interior of his home. He is a gentleman. He is a barrel-chested man who would gladly hold the weight of the world for a friend. He taught me to find the fun and humor in every situation. He taught me "No means No" and "Measure twice, cut once" and that attitude is the determining factor in everything you do. He has taught me more than a lifetime of schooling ever could. He is the strongest man I know, in more ways than one.
He is emotional and yet is everything a man should be. He is not macho and does not need to be. He is smart though he would never admit it. He is goofy. He knows what is right and what is wrong. He is an excellent judge of character.
He is meticulous. He is a finisher. He has a mean streak that can still make me shake. He is stubborn at times. He drinks cheap wine out of cups. He never sits on the couch. He talks to the dog and wishes desperately she would respond. He listens. He makes his own entertainment. He sleeps on the floor. He can shake the house with his snoring. He is patient. He is perfectly happy being the life of the party yet can still have a good time standing in the corner with a friend. He will wear out, not rust away. When he does something he does it completely and learns as much about it as he can. He is a man of character.
He loves hockey and plays the game with everything he has. He makes no excuses. It is the only aspect of his life where the score counts. He is old-school. He loves competition. He thrives under pressure.
He is what I aspire to be.
Happy Father's Day Dad
Ben, you have touched your father's heart, more than you know. I am as proud to be your mother as I am to be Peter's wife. Love, mom
I am balling my eyes out! I just told your Dad the other day what a great kid you are. (I guess I can't really call you a kid anymore but that is besides the point). I can only hope that my boys turn out as wonderful as you have and that they will feel the same kind of love and admiration for their parents. Proud to be your Aunt, Lisa
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